Once upon a time tribal clans roamed and populated a vast and wild continent yet undiscovered to the rest of the world. How these tribes had come to this land is controversially debated. Some say they came there from across an ice sheet in the north while more legend driven types believe that these tribes came there from distant cosmic bodies - the video below is not necessarily my belief but that idea and maybe the message behind the popular movie "Avatar" is worth thinking about. Maybe a little of both is the truth.
Meanwhile the Europeans came to be Europeans through a series of wars and peace treaties which took thousands of years to develop. The full European story can't be told without mentioning the rise and fall of several empires that go all the way back to the biblical Nimrod and the fall of the tower of Babylon. That full story takes volumes to describe. The basics of the story goes that when the ( emperor ) Nimrod lost control of his empire then people scattered in every direction and formed nations ( sovereign identities ) at all points east, west, south and north, away from the Sumerian/Babylonian center of the domesticated universe. ( Latter Day Saints, aka Mormons would understand that when Nimrod fell Jared fled along with his brother who imo was a high priest in Nimrod's empire ).
Domesticated suggests that there were always barbarians living outside of the empires territory or even in cells within the empire.
source - Wikipedia commons Come let us go down and confound their speech Gustave Dore 1856 |
And Adam wasn't the first " factor " in history. He was, by some opinions, the first real king of a kingdom that was driven by the belief that there was but a single source of energy that drove all things including humans. If so, then Adam and his kingdom of Eden must have created plenty of tension to any other king or tribe chieftain who opposed his laws and beliefs. And there must have been plenty of serpents outside of the realm of Eden who would have done anything to subdue him and his beliefs.
Adam had sons. The first few were born in the image of his God. They believed has he did. However, Cain broke one of the mightiest rules of Eden and killed his brother Abel. Cain was thrown out of Eden. Meanwhile Adam and Eve conceived Seth who in a sense was meant as a replacement for Abel.
The descendants of Cain and the descendants of Seth have continued to write the history of mankind ever since. However that is just a piece of the story.
In my opinion, there is no doubt that the great flood described in the Noah story happened around 2300 BC. IMO, Noah was a real character and those who survived on his boat were real. They were not, again IMO, the only people who survived the diluvial period. They were however probably the only Adamic type, or those who embraced and carried on by the divine laws according to King Adam. The others who survived had their own sets of beliefs but to Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth they must have seemed like lost souls living as barbarian savages.
Between the time of the floods and the coming of the Romans in 750 BC there were plenty of events that formed the history of humans. A few of those events are written as legends in the form of stories like Nimrod and the Fall of the Tower of Babylon and in the story of Jason and the Argonauts where Jason and his soldiering sailors go get the Golden Fleece from the King of Colchis ( modern Chechnya ). After the Argonauts the Greeks went on to fight the Trojans over Helen and Paris who had broken the rules of divine laws and ownership according to the Greeks by cheating Menelaus out of a wife. From that event the city of Troy was lost and the Trojan survivors found their way across the Aegean sea and the Mediterranean sea to somehow end up on the Italian peninsula.
Then the event recorded as the story of the birth of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome is recorded and then the story of the destruction of the Greek empire and the rise of the Roman empire is told. And in between those stories there are countless others that are factors and events that lead to the rise of Europe and the Europeans.
Rome goes out to build their Empire by conquering savages and domesticating according to the laws and customs of their Kings, Senators and Emperors. Everyone else is a savage or barbarian. However not all barbarians prove to be manageable or easily subdued so Rome eventually falls while nations rise through the works and beliefs of types like the Franks and the Saxons and the Anglos and the Celts and the Vikings and others.
Pretty soon, time being relative to cycles of seasons on earth and not relative to the cycle of cosmic seasons, Germany, France, Russia, England all take on national identities but those identities always come at the cost of war and peace.
Roman Catholicism in northern Europe was managed by people elected by the Bishop of Rome ( but not always - the schism of things holy ??? ) and after 800 AD and Charlemagne, aka Karl Magnus, those elects were named in Aachen as Holy Roman Emperor responsible for affairs of the church in the west. Aachen is on the border of Germany and most Holy Roman Emperors were of German origin.
( that last statement is somewhat scary when one considers that when the British took over Canada they named the initial districts - Mecklenburg, Lenenburg, Hesse and Home. Those are all rooted in German history. Mecklenburg is really interesting when one considers that Heinrich Schliemann was a native of Mecklenburg and he was at one time highly involved in the gold trade business with the Morgan and other banking families during the California gold rush of the 1850's. Schliemann would return to Europe where, pardon my French but....where he screwed the Russians before going on a quest that would end up in the discovery of the lost city of Troy and of the treasures that surrounded Helen and Paris).
This story will continue...........eventually with topics such as:
- Canada - A colony somewhere in New France
- Acadia - A colony somewhere in New France
- Louisiana - A colony somewhere in New France
- Hudson Bay - A colony somewhere in New France
- The seven year war and the British take over the rule of Canada - 1763 to 1791
- more
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